Hi Friends!
1992, I rescued a beautiful Yellow-Nape Amazon Parrot named Dudley.
For many years after first welcoming Dudley into my home, I thought how
nice it would be for Dudley to have a companion. Much to my delight,
while living in Southern California, I was able to add a sweet, loving
Umbrella Cockatoo into the Flotron Feathered Family. I anticipating for
a match made in heaven and that Dudley and Sing-Sing would quickly
become best of friends. Fast forward to present day, I am more
realistic and happy knowing that Dudley and sing-Sing merely tolerate
one another. Perhaps there is an occasional sign of mutual respect and
from my experience with introducing a new pet, I decided to conduct
research into how to create positive relationships among pets. My
experience along with my research findings make it clear. Just as there
may exist issues between human siblings, difficulties in relationships
can easily occur in animals as well.
Like siblings, sometimes pets in the same family don’t get along. But
this shouldn’t discourage you from opening your home to various pets.
There are many ways to mesh different breeds and species. It’s really
about having ground rules and being consistent with them. Pets need to
know that you’re the one who makes the decisions. They don’t have to be
best friends, but they need to learn to coexist peacefully.
To help keep your pets — and you — happy, take a look at these common
challenges associated with housing multiple pets. The solutions should
help fuse both canine and feline kinfolk.
Challenge: Adding a pet to the family
Solution: When you bring home a new pet, dogs and cats
usually go through three levels of acceptance. First, the original pet will be hostile toward the new
pet. Then, in the second level, the original pet will be tolerant,
changing to an ‘I won’t kill you, but don’t get in my way’ attitude. And
the third level is, hopefully, bonding. Some pets go through this in an
hour; some never get all the way through the process.
To help smooth this progression, start by making a proper introduction.
Let your pets look at and sniff each other, but don’t allow them to
have physical contact. For example, keep the new pet in a crate while
the other household pets get used to the unfamiliar smell. When not
crated, keep the new pet in a closed-off room, such as a utility room.
Allow supervised interaction only after you think the behavior on all
sides seems calm and friendly. Keep favorite toys out of the area to
avoid spats, and make sure pets have access to a safe retreat, such as a
pet bed or open crate.
Depending on how your pets react, you might need to monitor short
meetings for some time before giving the pet full access to the house.
Also, consult your veterinarian about introduction tips specific for
your pets and family.
Challenge: Different dietary needs
Solution: Pets need to stay out of each other's food
bowls for various reasons. First and foremost, pets of varying ages and
breeds often require different nutrition.
If your dog gets into the cat food or vice versa, serious health
problems could result. Sometimes veterinarians prescribe special food
for certain pets. For example, pets with chronic systemic diseases might
require special diets, as would overweight pets.
The key to ensuring dogs and cats eat only the food intended for them
is to feed all your pets at the same time in separate areas. Feed one in the kitchen, one in the laundry room, et cetera, and
then put away the remaining food. Given the feline
propensity for high places, another solution is to place the cat’s food
on a counter or other lofty location out of your dog’s reach.
Challenge: Disparate veterinary care
Solution: You may find your senior dog has you at the
veterinarian for various ailments and checkups several times a year, but
you can’t remember the last time you took your cat to the doctor. Even
though making multiple trips to the veterinarian can be time consuming,
every cat and dog should visit at least once a year. Many problems go undetected. Seeing pets for an
annual exam allows veterinarians to find these problems early and keep
pets healthy.
One way to ensure all your pets get this vital preventive care is to
schedule all their wellness appointments in the same month. This way
you’re reminded that every pet needs to see the veterinarian in April,
for example.
Another idea is to ask your veterinary practice about the possibility
of scheduling appointments for multiple pets at the same time. Your
veterinarian might limit the number of pets seen during a single visit.
Keep in mind that the purpose of wellness appointments is to provide you
with a chance to discuss changes to your pets’ health and for your
veterinarian to conduct a thorough examination. This can be difficult if
you’re juggling more than one pet, so opt for this strategy only if it
seems realistic for you.
Challenge: Cats and dogs that bicker
Solution: While
your cat and dog
may never snuggle together, you can ensure they don’t hurt each other.
Cats usually know enough to stay away, but we have to work on training
the dog to stay away from the cat, especially the hunting breeds, like
Terriers or Retrievers. I recommend starting the
learning process by doing what I call training an incompatible
behavior. Here’s an explanation: Teach the dog what ‘go lie down’
means. If the dog gets up to chase the cat, tell the dog to ‘go lie
down.’ If he lies down, he won’t be able to give chase, and maybe he’ll
get a treat.
Even pets of the same species tangle over toys, food and your
attention. If these scuffles are happening, try adding more toys to the
mix so pets don’t have to share. Also try coaxing each pet into its own
space. To separate cats, place each cat’s food,
litterbox, scratching post and bed in a different area of the house.
Give dogs quiet spaces of their own, such as a bed or crate where they
can escape from the other household animals. You may need to completely
separate dogs at meal times to avoid conflict. Consistent training and
enforcement of the house rules will keep you in charge of the pack.
Challenge: One pet dominates your attention
Solution: Whether because of its personality or needs,
you may find yourself doting on one pet. For example, a new puppy may
absorb your time with veterinary visits, obedience class and potty training.
Or your cat might not interact with you as much as your dog. Cats
aren’t gushy with their affection the way dogs are. But they still want and need affection.
Remember that all your pets require daily exercise and mental
stimulation to stay happy, healthy and well behaved. Some pets even
develop undesirable behaviors if they feel bored or lonely. Spread your
love around — and keep your pets out of trouble — by taking all your
dogs for a walk every day and spending quality time with each cat. Soon
your harmonious household will be the envy of families everywhere.
you are considering adding new pets to your household, please contact
me so that I may be able to assist in the socialization process.
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays!
Paul F. Flotron
Creature Comforts Great & Small, LLC
"Giving your creatures the comfort they deserve"
Cell: 314-775-7107
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