Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Walking Experience With Beagles Bailey & Luci

Dear Friends!
A Walking Experience With Beagles Bailey & Luci
I have to tell about why I am so excited right now. Because at this very moment, I am literally walking up to the front door of where two amazing beagles live. I wish you could see me now. Glowing with excitement doesn’t even come close. Anxiously awaiting the warm, high energy greeting from beagles Bailey and Luci is something reminiscent of when I was a kid waking up to see all the presents that Santa had left under the Christmas Tree. You see, Bailey is the more mature one but he has a lot of spring to his step. Just now opening the door, of course there is Bailey (aka Fred Estaire I call him) cutting a rug as usual. Bailey does look so cute with each paw perfectly synchronized and choreographed to a perfect harmony he must be humming to himself. Don’t get me wrong, he’s not chewing away at the rug, Bailey is a well-behaved gentleman just like Fred Estaire. Now, Luci is forever trying to be graceful and the Ginger Rogers. Well, let’s say Luci is Ginger Rogers on steroids.

Such an incredible experience it is when Bailey, Luci and I get into the car to head over to Stacy Park. As always, Luci is my navigator and with enthusiasm, directs me on the right course over to the park. It never fails, I have to remind Luci that if she is the navigator, I must be the pilot. Luci, you are not able to take on both roles. After saying this, Luci looks at me in astonishment while she is on my lap as we make our way to the Promise Land. Well yes, it may be Stacy Park to some, but to Bailey and Luci, it is definitely The Promise Land. With all of the tall trees, rally squirrels they rally around and actually chase after, the little ponds…oh, we are in seventh heaven. I am sure you know that when it comes to beagles, life is all about “the nose.” Not only is it about the nose, when it comes to walking Bailey and Luci together, it is not always a perfectly choreographed synchronized dance. Far from being in unison and perfect harmony, each does dance to their own tune. There may be a certain ebb and flow to walking Bailey and Luci but what I find so humorous about it all is that the ebb went one way and the flow went entirely the opposite direction. I suppose it is a lot like people as we as individual have our own unique agendas. Such is the case with Bailey and Luci. After all, God did make each of us unique and we are all beautifully and wonderfully made.
So, for those of you who have more than just one pet, do you find that each one has a unique personality? I would love to hear your stories and encourage you to share.

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